A look back- one photo at a time- 2018


I spent a lot of time by myself in 2018. A intention I set by the end of burn week, in 2017 my first time. I knew if I got the guts to try this crazy experience, that at the time I still hadn’t figured out. Figured out what I thought, how I felt or what the heck I just exprienced. I knew if I came back there would be several things I’d do differently. Going on my own adventures was one of them. I spent a lot of time with camp mates, most of which were couples. I went with them and left with then, not yet feeling completely comfortable. But I found I would leave when I wasn’t necessarily ready. Reflection- was this a thing in real life. It had me really thinking about how I handle my comfort levels, what I hung on to as a clutch when I felt out of place, or didnt speak up.

So 2018 I went back and stuck to it. I could have let go more, but I had a ball, exploring the city and inner self in more depth and on my own terms. I would just stand off in the distance watching things happen, watching people experience the thing. It was cool.. Next time though, Ill work on being amongst the people vs. always watching people from afar. A new experience and intentions ahead.


My Burning Man Experience- Essence Piece